Support Us

Why is your support important?

  • Therapeutic services: children with autism often need specialized therapies to help them improve their communication, social skills and ability to live independently.
  • Educational programs: Special education programs and tools can greatly improve their ability to learn and integrate into society.
  • Family support: Families of children with autism need support to provide the best for their children. Your donations will help fund counselling, training and other support for parents and carers.

How can you help?

  1. A small donation can make a big impact. Your donations will be used to fund therapies, educational materials and other needed services for children with autism.
  2. Regular donations: become a regular donor and help us provide stable, long-term support for those who need it most.
  3. Spread the word: Share our initiative with family, friends and on social media. The more people know about our work, the more impact we can make together.

Thank you for your generosity and support!

We appreciate every contribution and believe that together we can create a world where children with autism have the opportunity to reach their full potential.


The Vladimír Vochoč Association

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