Who we are and what do we want

We are two married couples with autistic children. We live in the care of our children 24/7 and know exactly where help is needed, what doesn’t work and what people don’t have the resources for.

We want to talk about autism, show what life is really like for autistic children and how the diagnosis affects the functioning and relationships in the whole family.

We want to be the first port of call for parents who are unfamiliar with their child’s diagnosis and don’t know what to do. We want to give adequate information and hope. We know perfectly well from our own experience what parents experience.

Media – Where You Might Have Seen Us

Links to Czech TV reports about Vladimír Vochoč:




Czech Television Reports in which we appear:




Speech by Kristina Vochočová, President of the Society, in Marseille on 26 January 2024, where she talks about Vladimír Vochoč and the reasons for founding the Society:

The speech itself – https://www.facebook.com/1656774400/videos/1117842602580830/

Full post na Facebooku – https://www.facebook.com/share/v/9GCrBxQcjd216mcM/?mibextid=KsPBc6

Link to the City of Marseille website about Vladimír Vochoč:


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